That’s what happens when you drink water.
You will likely need to “go” at least six to eight times per day to eliminate water if you're drinking enough. Drink water we must. Human beings are composed of as much as 78% water in babies and children to as low as 55% in women. The fact is, we are mostly water. A large portion of that water is in the brain second only to the lungs. The muscles, skin, and bones all need water to replenish and maintain health. Our cells and all parts of our bodies need water for their survival. When we understand the saying of our Indigenous family that “Water is Life” we know that they are speaking of the sacredness of water. We use this sacred water to honor and respect our bodies as the temples that they are. Providing clean water is mandatory for our personal health and survival.
Water is your body’s transport system. It moves nutrients into the body by carrying metabolized food into the bloodstream. Water also transports waste out of the body mostly through urination. This is the reason I emphasize to my clients to drink more water than usual after an energy session. Toxins are being released during Energy Therapy, which can sometimes result in a healing crisis. Those toxins must be transported out of the system and water provides the transportation method. Upping one’s water intake can turn that healing crisis around. It is suggested to drink half your body weight or, at least, 64 oz. daily. Imagine how restorative it is to your body to simply drink enough clean water.
If you find it difficult to drink plain water don’t turn to nonbeneficial liquids, i.e.coffee, tea, juice. Provide some flavor in your water to give it a little somethin’ extra. Add some lemon, blueberries, cucumber. I like to switch it up and have a glass of sparkling water with a twist of lime and no added sugars. It will hydrate you just as much as plain water. You can, additionally, eat foods with water. My favorite is watermelon when it's in season. Did you know watermelon is more than 90% water? Many fruits and vegetables provide water (google them) in addition to the water that you commit to drinking daily.
Masa Emoto, a Japanese businessman and author of “The Hidden Messages in Water”, claimed that human consciousness could affect the molecular structure of water. In other words, he believed and used science to demonstrate his belief that water responds to positive thoughts and words. He did so by exposing glasses of water to various words, pictures, or music, then freezing the water and examining the frozen crystals under a microscope revealing the shift in those crystals according to the words, pictures, or music. If you need more self-love write the word on your water bottle or glass and know that you are affecting those water crystals to represent love to you or whatever attribute you desire in your life. It’s worth giving it a try. Do you pray before eating? I pray in gratitude for the food and all those who played a part in bringing it to me for my nourishment. In praying, I accept that I receive all that my body needs for its perfect health. Perhaps this is the idea behind Emoto's demonstration. We can pray over our water to receive its healing benefits. I suggest trying anything that will encourage you to enjoy the benefits of this sacred, magical gift our Creator has provided for our nourishment.
Remember you are made of water. If you don’t keep that water flowing like a stream you are setting up conditions for poor health. Without moving water, you are creating a polluted lake inside of you.

