Raindrop Therapy
During Raindrop Therapy essential oils are dropped onto the spine and massaged along the vertebrae to bring the body into structural and electrical alignment. Designed to restore harmony to the body, mind, and soul. Numerous pure essential oils are applied to your spine and feet. The oils act at the cellular level to deeply detoxify, relax and rejuvenate.
Although the entire process lasts approximately 1 hour, the oils will continue to work in the body for 5 to 7 days following treatment, with continued realignment taking place during this time. I recommend that you don't shower until the following day to get the maximum benefit.
With essential oils applied via the Raindrop Technique, the body can be brought into balance and the energy centers can be cleared and re-aligned. The Raindrop Technique also helps reduce spinal inflammation, creates an inhospitable environment for the viruses that hibernate along the spinal column, and may help to straighten any spinal curvatures.
We all carry immune system depleting viruses and bacteria. Essential oils applied to the spinal column are absorbed through the nerves that feed the entire body. Wonderfully soothing, nurturing and relaxing, the Raindrop Technique can work its benefits in the body for days, weeks or months.