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Meet Francesca

Reiki Master · Intuitive Coach · Author

Francesca resides in Los Angeles, CA and globally facilitates retreats, workshops, and classes.

She is available for speaking engagements, private retreats, and coaching.


Working with children and adults



Francesca recognized as a child that she is an internal being, an observer of what occurs around her, always listening inside of herself. It's nothing she was taught it's just her nature; the way she’s wired. She has taken the internal voice into every aspect of her life because her experience tells her that is where the answers live. She was successful in corporate America because the inner voice guided her to the appropriate account to call in the appropriate timing. She would actually stop and ask the Highest part of herself to conduct a meeting; to speak and to listen. No one knew what she was doing, but that's the way she operates.  Francesca considers it her honor to assist those desiring to find and follow their internal voice.

An Intuitive Life Coach


The intention in a Reiki session is to tune in to the manner in which the client's energy is misbehaving.  Sometimes the energy feels stuck, sometimes it is missing, sometimes it is like a staccato beat, etc.  Through my hands, I represent to one's system the balanced way of flow and remind it of such through placing my hands on or above various areas of the body.  I am stimulating the energy field of the body so that it can better heal and support itself.  When I conduct an Energy Therapy Session I am utilizing more than received through Usui Reiki training.  I have studied many forms of energy therapy and incorporate them all in my sessions.  In fact, the other therapies through which I facilitate healing (Essential Oils, Tuning Forks, Crystals, Reflexology) will be incorporated into your "Beyond Reiki" session when my intuitive guidance gives me that directive.

Energy Thrapist


Through retreats, private coaching, boutique classes, special events, and speaking engagements, Francesca has one goal; spark a remembrance within others that their lives are not created by hands, but by thoughts, inner beliefs, feelings, and focused awareness. Through the ministry and her book Resurrecting the Muse: Woman’s Guide to Rising Above Societal Conditioning, she awakens women to their Soul Essence, mandatory in the world in which we live.



Francesca James is the author of Resurrecting the Muse. She says, "I believe that it is absolute Truth that there is only one vibrational Life in existence. However, so frequently it is said that men and women are the same because there is only One. In essence, this is true. However, the differences are significant and, apparently, intentional because the Creator makes no mistakes. It created humankind male and female. It is my life’s work, my passion and my great joy to explore and embrace not only what is alike, but also the differences.”


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"There has never been a more important time in history for Woman's voice to be heard."

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